5 Tips To Talk Confidently In Front Of The Camera
I guess you are here reading this article because you want to be a video content creator. But it seems you got a serious case of anxiety and nervousness when speaking in front of the camera. This totally gets in your way of producing quality and engaging content for your video. But don’t worry, I got you!
Head down to the next paragraphs to find out 6 tips to help you to talk confidently in front of the camera.
Maintain Your Eye Contact With The Camera Lens
As a video content creator, you should always maintain eye contact with the camera lens. This is to create a sense of engagement with your audience.
And if you have trouble doing this, just think of it like you are talking in front of a mirror. Trust me, it works. It is way easier than maintaining eye contact with a real person.
Address Your Audience Like How You Would Address Your Friends & Family
Of course, you’ll want to address your audience. It’ll make your video content more engaging and the audience will be able to feel more relatable with your content.
So, just think of your audience as your friends and family. This will help you be able to address your audience genuinely, instead of sounding scripted or practised.
Just Be Yourself In Front Of The Camera
If you want to attract more followers, you’ll need to be genuine. Just be yourself when talking in front of the camera. There’s no need for you to adopt a new and different personality.
If you have an accent when talking, don’t hide it. Instead, you use it. It’ll be your identity as a video content creator and it will help you stand out from the rest.
Also, that will be one less thing to be nervous or anxious about once you use your accent as your identity as a video content creator.
Write A Script For Yourself
There’s nothing wrong with writing a script for yourself. Use script as reference or guide to help you pace the video content and to avoid you from dragging away from the content.
It also helps in case you get nervous or anxious suddenly, it helps you keep on track of what you want to say and deliver with your video content.
Just practice the script to avoid yourself from sounding scripted when you talk later in the video.
Practice And Experience
This is the most important step of all in helping you overcome your nervousness and anxiety. Take time to practice speaking in front of the mirror. This is to help you find your tone, expression and composure while recording video content.
Even better if you could drag a friend or two to help act your “virtual” audience.
And experience is your best teacher. Don’t worry about making mistakes, especially if you are just starting out.
Yeah, I know it’s easier than done. Especially preparing and writing a script. But hey, that’s why I would like to let you in on something.
Do you see the link below? Yup, that will lead you to a script template and you can download it for free!
Though if you have an idea for video content on a bigger scale, but don’t have the equipment nor the expertise and skills to handle the big scale. Hey, just buzz us, the Visio Asia crew. We’ll help you visualize your idea and vision.